WARNING: Niantic will sue players who use Fake GPS in the Videogame

It took almost 3 years for Niantic to decide to make a significant change in Pokémon GO . This is because the home developer of augmented reality games will demand users who cheat on the title using Fake GPS .

Since Pokémon GO was launched in 2016, users have complained about players using the ‘ Fake GPS ‘ to trick the augmented reality game and hatch eggs without having to walk, participate in events even though it does not start in their country, capture creatures in other regions, fight gyms, and more.

WARNING: Niantic will sue players who use Fake GPS in the Videogame WARNING: Niantic will sue players who use Fake GPS in the Videogame Reviewed by Anonymous on June 17, 2019 Rating: 5

1 comment

  1. Here's a thought niantic. Stop making certain Pokemon regionally exclusive. That'll solve a lot of the spoofing problems.
